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Human Voice. Replayed, 2016


artist conference, mixed media

(reactivation of the performance Human Voice. Translations)

duration: 45 min


courtesy of the artists

(Katya Ev & Hanna Zubkova)



Two laptops connected to Skype, artists speaking to public through Skype

Two laptops connected to Skype, series of hundred photographies on wall

Jean Cocteau's «Human Voice» play, print on paper 540 x 110 cm

view of the show at ISSMAG Gallery, Moscow, December 2016 / curated by Sasha Burenkov


Human Voice. Replayed, an artist conference with elements of installation, is one of the modes of reactivation of the site-specific performance Human Voice.Translations realized in the Church Saint-Eustache in Paris during the total solar eclipse on March 20, 2015.


For Human Voice. Replayed the artists gave a Skype conference in the gallery telling the structure and origins of their performance Human Voice.Translations as an experimental staging of the play « Human Voice » (1930) by Jean Cocteau. Playing again with absence and presence, physicality and technology, they arranged the gallery space with the printed extract of the play by Jean Cocteau, hanging at the entry as a curtain, the Youtube broadcast of the

 «Human Voice», the TV-play performed by Ingrid Bergman ; and the timeline made of 65 post-cards, the storyboard of the life stream of the total solar eclipse of March 20, 2015 to the Church Saint-Eustache.

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