Print media
2023 Conversation with Katya Ev, Kobe Matthys (Agency) and Lotte Bode (MHKA), L'internationale, 2023
The Fair Kin Arts Almanach, SOTA (Be), Katya Ev, artist's contribution
2022 Cat. Statecrafts (and beyond), National Museum of Contemporary Art - EMST, Athens, curated by Katerina Gregos, 2022
HART Magazine n°223 (Be), Colette Dubois, 'Entretenir vaut mieux, Marc Buchy and Katya Ev'
Pascale Viscardy, "Entretenir vaut mieux", Flux News #88, Apr 9, 2022 (Be)
Conversation with Cassandre Langlois, exhibition 'Tout dans le cabinet mental', Le Credac, Ivry (Fr)
artist's edition - Contract for 'Doing Nothing'
cat. Art au Centre #8, Liège (Be)
2021 TIM Magazine #2 (Be), Katya Ev, artist's contribution
TIM Magazine #2 (Be), Steyn Bergs, 'Nothing/ Doing'
L'Art Même #84 (Be), Claire Contamine, Ne Rien Faire, Tout Gagner
Zonder kunstenaars geen kunst boek, NICC (Be), Katya Ev, artist's contribution
In a Long Blink of an Eye, critical volume and collection of artists’ books, HISK, Ghent, Belgium
'Printed on Arena Fedrigoni Ivory Natural White Extra White', artist book, ed. 500, collection of artists' books, HISK, Ghent Belgium
2020 Kunstmagazine (BE), artist's contribution
Flux News Magazine #81 (BE), Pristine Geed, “One Must Dare To Say That Hysteria Is A Caricature Of A Work Of Art”
Cat. From Scratch to Scratch, exh. by KASK Curatorial Studies (BE), John C. Welshman, 'En Garde'
2019 Knack Magazine (BE), Jan Braet, "Over my (dead) body"
2018 Moscow Art Magazine #104 : Time Of History (RU)
Tactics Of Streets, Strategies Of A City, Political Art In The Epoque Of Conservative Turn, ed. Pavlo Mitenko, MediaUdar, Moscow, 2018
2016 Cat. The End Of The World, Prato, Italy, Katia Krupennikova, 'Axe de Révolution'
Kommersant magazine N°13, April 23, 2016, Moscow, Sergey Guskov, «Russian on Foot»
2015 cat. Là où nous sommes. Regards d’artistes sur l’anthropocène, Paris
cat. Metageography, National Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
cat. Leaving Tomorrow, Art Center Winzavod, Moscow
cat. Gallery Elektrozavod, Moscow
Meninger newspaper, Norway, «Kunst og Kalt Krieg»
2014 «Metro» daily newspaper, August 12, 2014, «A Bar transformed into the world axis»
«Vedomosti» daily newspaper, August 12, 2014, «They cross Moscow with a tube for the art sake»
cat. Beauty of disgraceful, Art Center Belyaevo, Moscow
Website publications
2023 Conversation with Katya Ev, Kobe Matthys (Agency), and Lotte Bode (MHKA), L'internationale
2022 Lawrence Abu Hamdan, The 5 new exhibitions "running" at EMST, Athens Voice (Gr)
Dilpreet Bhullar, 'The exhibition 'Statecraft (and beyond)' presents alternative models of statehood', Stir World
Colette Dubois, 'Entretenir vaut mieux, Marc Buchy and Katya Ev', HART Magazine n°223 (Be)
Pascale Viscardy, "Entretenir vaut mieux", Flux News #88, Apr 9, 2022 (Be)
2021 Round Table at Garage Museum, Moscow, exhibition 'Fifth Wave' (RU)
Rutger Lievens, Performancekunst met blauw zwaailicht vraagt aandacht voor zwaar getroffen cultuursector, HLN (BE)
Jozefien Van Beek, Dode konijnen, kapitalisme en feminisme, De Standaard (BE)
Bas Blaasse, In a Long Blink of an Eye, HISK-laureaten in Brussel, HART Magazine (BE)
Arnaud Idelon, Nous Dansions, YACI (International Young Art Criticism) (FR)
Hendrik Wittock, "Divinatory art or just art: the tarot revisited by 78 Belgian artists", VICE, Apr 1, 2021, last seen 10/09/2024
2020 Curated, Calvert Journal (EN, RU)
Ivan Isaev, Overcoming Control, Obieg (EN)
Sofie Crabbé, HISK Open Studios 2020, HART Magazine (BE)
2019 Internationaal symposium als tentoonstellingsruimte voor beeldende kunst, HART magazine (NL)
Kadish Morris, The Best Shows To See During Antwerp Art Weekend, Frieze, critics guide (EN)
2018 Aurelia Declercq, "Katya Ev - Etat d'Exception", Point Contemporain (Fr)
Ida Simon, Do Disturb Au Palais De Tokyo – Notre Sélection Du Festival, Manifesto XXI (french)
Ivan Isaev, "What price are we willing to pay for radical uncontrollability?", Syg.Ma (Ru), Dec 15, 2018, last seen on 09.01.2024
2017 Donna Haraway, "Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Plantatiocene, Ctouloucene : creating a tribe", Moscow Art Magazine (in Russian)
2016 Christian Gattinoni, "Human scale and commitments in images for YIA", (in French)
Pia Capelli, "Beginning of the world", Art Forum, (in English)
Maria Sokolovskaïa, « Revolutionnary » performance by Ekaterina Vasilyeva », Russia Beyond (in French)
Aurore Leloy, radio broadcast «Utopian Crossings », radio HÔTEL PARADOXE- La Radio Libértaire (in French)
Performance "Augenmusik" in the online magazine Paris Art (in French)
Anne-Sophie Furic, "Here We Are. Group Show by the Marcel association", Manifesto XXI (in French)
Sergey Guskov, "Russian on Foot. Art of Wandering", Kommersant, Moscow (in Russian)
2015 Pavel Borisov, «Zeitgeist» (Spirit of Time), Kunstforum (in English)
"Art and The Cold War", Dagbladet, Norway (in Norwegian)
"Submarines and Mermaids", Kunstkritikk (in Norwegian)
"Cold War inside of the mountain", Klassekamp, Norway (in Norwegian)
Ilmira Bolotyan,"What has been said and what has not been said as an answer" , art online magazine AroundArt (in Russian)
2014 Alexandra Guzeva, "Russian women carry giant tube across Moscow in revolutionary art stunt", Russia Beyond Headlines (in English)
Alexander Pevak, «Russian Artists abroad», online platform Theory and Practice (in Russian)
Sergey Guskov, «Personal Efforts. The Most Interesting Artworks of This Summer», online Art magazine (in Russian)
Julia Dudkina, "They made the world axis out of the construction tube", daily newspaper METRO, Moscow (in Russian)
Olga Kabanova, «They cross Moscow with a tube for the art sake», daily newspaper Vedomosti, Moscow (in Russian)
"Unususal performance takes place in Moscow", national radio Echo Moskvi (in Russian)
Andrey Levkin, "Moscow political actionism turns inside", online magazine Art Territory (in Russian)
Sergey Guskov, «Ekaterina Vasilyeva and Hanna Zubkova.Performance après performance», art online magazine Aroundart (in Russian)
Moscow 24 - TV broadcasting about the show "Beauty of disgraceful" (in Russian)